

Custom Software

An ad hoc development that offers 3Dicom customers an important breakthrough in teleradiology.

Radiological image viewer developed by Cuatroochenta under the medical direction of 3Dicom. It works on any web browser and optimizes the download of images with the minimum information necessary, using the tessellation technique (mosaic imaging) and different levels of zoom, used already in the online map viewers today as Google maps.

An ad hoc development for 3Dicom, a company that was absorbed by Alfatec Sistemas, which offers customers an important breakthrough in teleradiology. And it is that Alfatec Sistemas offers ICT solutions and development of new technologies applied to the efficient management and optimization of radiological workflows with medical diagnostic image.

3Dicom viewer has covered a technology gap in the medical images viewing of DICOM ("Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine") through the web.

So far, the DICOM medical image viewers had been developed accessing and transmitting images in standard formats (JPG, JPG2000 ...), usually compressed, with consequent problems: loss of image quality (pixelation on zoom), inability to access the DICOM information, slow transfer... However, 3Dicom Viewer achieves 100% DICOM image quality with no losses of information, transferring the former maximum resolution.

A tool which is already being used by collaborating centers of 3Dicom such as: Madrid CEMTRO Clinic, the Faculty of Odontology of Valencia, the Recovery and Rehabilitation Center of Levante, the Provincial Hospital Consortium of Castellon, Union Mutual, the Medical Technology Centre of Almeria and various clinics.